Monday, August 29, 2011

Last 2 weeks in Florida

I never thought I would be writing a blog, well a blog that's not sports related. Here goes nothing...

It's been a crazy few months to say the least. I've been frantically trying to get a lot of things done before I start my drive by myself up to VA. I'm sure it's going to be the most boring, longest drive ever, but I know it's going to be worth it. I have been packing, trashing, and selling my things so I can fit everything in a 6'x12' trailer. I worry that everything won't fit, but as long as the important things make it, that's all that matters.

The biggest worry over the last few months has been whether I can get a good job. I've been trying to get a government job, since I figured they wouldn't mind passing out a few hundred grand my way, right? I guess it's harder than I thought to get clearance and finding an open position. I settled for the next best thing, a job that I actually have experience and have been doing since college. I think it's a great opportunity and I hope there's a future there for me. I have to start with the second shift, which isn't the ideal time slot because I won't see Kat as much, but I have a feeling I won't be working that shift too long. I'm a little nervous about starting a new job, but who wouldn't be?

I've been the most excited about living in a towers apartment in Arlington. We have a lot of ideas for how we want our place set up, but it's going to take some time, since we don't have a lot of things to decorate. The main thing will be having our own place... all the material things really don't matter. 

There's so many things we want to do, but first things first... I have two weeks left in Florida...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Disaster Preparedness

I finally made it it to Virginia and DC! My first week here has been memorable, to say the least. There was the earthquake on Tuesday, the hurricane on Saturday and a new job to top it all off. I couldn't have been less prepared for all of this.

In fact, this past week had me so nervous that I was sure I was having a panic-induced seizure instead of feeling an earthquake. But my boss came running out of her office and told me to "get out!" I watched as the whole hospital evacuated. Kids in wheelchairs and doctors who were scrubbed in to start surgeries all came filing out. It was pretty surreal.

The hurricane was a great excuse to sleep all day and be lazy this Saturday. I needed lots of it since I'm not used to waking up at 5:30am. Ugh.

My head is spinning from all of my new responsibilities. I also haven't figured out the whole bus-metro commute business here either. There are 8 different ways to get anywhere you want to go here so I've taken a different route to work every day. Most of the time, it's an hour and a half, but sometimes it's two hours. It will much easier once Shane and I move into our apartment which is closer. Right now I'm staying with Erin and Toby, who have done so much for Shane and I to make this move easier on us; thank you!!

 This is  the main campus of the hospital.
 Dr. Bear is a big thing there for the kids. He walks around sometimes. 

 As soon as you walk in, you see these balloons.