Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been about 3 weeks now and I'm finally adjusting to VA, DC and my job. I finally figured out the easiest way to get to work via metro. Any place you want to go, there are 8 different ways to get there.

Each day is certainly interesting, too. This past week I had a scare on the metro when a man boarded in the morning and started yelling and screaming at all the white people in my metro car. I had been sitting next to and chatting with a blind man when it happened. The blind man (obviously concerned because he couldn't see what was going on) asked me if I wanted to exit at the next stop with him, so I did. The crazy guy leaned out of the metro and yelled at us that "white people didn't inherit the earth" just before it pulled away. I was pretty nervous and figured the blind guy was harmless so I ended up leading him to his last stop that morning.

Also, this past week, my alarm on my phone decided to play games with me and I woke up 2 hours late for work. I had to navigate the rush hour commute which is awful. Luckily my boss just laughed at me when I came in and said it happens to everyone.

I still haven't done any sight seeing yet since I've just been trying to get everything ready for the apartment. Shane gets here tonight and it's about time! Then we can start moving stuff in on Thursday!

I have some pictures from our road trip up through Savannah that I just uploaded. Our hotel was a bar and restaurant style B&B that was supposed to be haunted. They say a girl named Anna jumped out a window because she was in love with a sailor who either left or didn't love her back. But I didn't see or hear anything funny there.
They put an "Anna" doll in the window for people on ghost tours.
Shane and Anna

The 17 Hundred 90 Inn

Last leg of our road trip!

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog and I love you guys!!! MISS YOU! Can't wait to plan our trip to DC.
